

Every project starts with figuring out the destination.

Whether you finally want to leave your corporate job to set up your dream business or you want to take your existing business branding one step further – together we will figure out what your personal goal is, where you are heading and what exactly you need.

Buckle up, fasten your seat belts…

Just as a flight would (hopefully) never take off before the flight attendants made sure everything is ready, we are not going to start actually working on the project without some prep work. This is where we get into the nitty gritty analytic and strategic part that give your brand voice the needed depth.
It is the solid foundation for every successful branding or web project.

Ready to take off?

Once the goal is clear and the ground work is done, we can start with the design. We strongly believe in empowerment which also means that we make sure we don’t just deliver the visual goods but also give you all the tools to be able to use the deliverables in the best way possible. Promise there will be no secrets kept!

how can we

empower you?

Bitesized Offers


Give your brand more personality with 3 custom Illustrations that fit to your overall branding and brand voice.


Maximize your brand communication with a set of custom social media templates catered specifically to your audience.



A dedicated day where we uncover what makes your business unique, whom you are trying to reach and how you can reach them effectively in an interactive online workshop format.

You will walk away with a clear understanding of your own brand voice, ability to describe what makes you the best service in your niche in just a few sentences and a clear guideline for how to communicate across all areas of your biz- from images, to e-mais to social media.

Includes a check in call after the day.

Full Menu


Works on the basis of the Brand  Clarity Day.
We use the foundation created with BCD and translate your brand voice into visuals, with an art direction that fits perfectly to your business needs. Then we create a striking colour palette, a logo suite and give you typography recommendations.

You will walk away with a clear brand voice, as well as strategic visual elements to market your service or product within just two weeks (some prep work will need to be finished beforehand).


Bitesized Offers


Give your site a personal touch and highlight specific sections with 3 custom Illustrations that fit to your overall brand voice.


Add a point of attention and offer information in a distinct, clear and custom way! Includes 5 Icons that fit into your overall brand voice.


Draw attention with a custom Animation that fits perfectly to your unique brand voice.



Before you create a website, you need to know your brand voice! This is dedicated day where we uncover what makes your business unique, whom you are trying to reach and how you can reach them effectively in an interactive online workshop format.

You will walk away with a clear understanding of your own brand voice, ability to describe what makes you the best service in your niche in just a few sentences and a clear guideline for how to communicate across all areas of your biz- from images, to e-mais to social media.

Includes a 1hr check in call a month/ 3 months after the day.

Full Menu


Translating your brand voice into a modern and aesthetically striking online space that you love inviting people into! In other words, it attracts your ideal audience and communicates clearly what value you bring, so that people can’t wait to do business with you.

We work with WordPress and Elementor for all our Webprojects.

Get in touch if you want…

// To develop a clear & concise brand voice for your passion-lead creative or social impact business

// A simple but effective guideline for how to communicate to your target audience

// A more aligned visual representation of what makes your brand unique

portrait of a female brand designer

We believe in making the design process as easy,
practical and sustainable as possible:
our solutions don’t force you to come running back for every little branding challenge, but empower you to take on effective brand communication for your business in years to come.

still got questions?


We believe that a brand is made of 90% strategy, the rest is just a visual translation of what you want to convey. So just a logo just won’t do it for us and we don’t offer the singled out service.

Web- and branding projects can vary as that highly depends on your needs and the overall scope and complexity of the project but typically clients invest anything from 1k to 8k.

Yes, absolutely. We can offer payment plans if that is what you wish for.

We use WordPress and Elementor Pro for all our websites, as it gives us a lot of freedom in the design and allows us to custom code if needed.

Yes! We pride ourselves in being able to really “get” your brand, and create a visual webspace that really fits to your existing business. However, if we notice that your current branding isn’t catered towards your ideal target audience, we will advise you to first book a branding service to rebrand.

That is exactly why we focus so much on strategy in our brand process. It is likely that the exact services or products you offer may change as you grow and develop your business. But your core passion stands. The WHY behind what you started in the first place will quite certainly stay the same. So even though the actual products might change, the messaging can still stay relatively similar and there might just be a few tweaks you have to make.
Apart from that we believe in empowering you as opposed to just delivering done and dusted results, so you will fully understand how a brand works, what can help you to market that powerfully and what process to go through when changes might arise.

Not investing in a brand from the start can cost you a lot more than making a few tweaks later on, as you might lack a clear vision, effective communication and selling strategies as well as professionalism in the eyes of potential customers. A brand can be the best guide for all business areas!