
fellow passionpreneur

You got all that it takes to launch your creative, passion-lead business,
except for good branding?

holistic branding

that gets the ball rolling

Your passion is what we are passionate about.

Nothing gets us more excited than that sparkly look in your eyes when you talk about what gets you out of bed every day.

Helping your brand voice become more clear – that is our number one mission.

We know there is something very unique to you and your brand – and we strive to give you all the tools that help you uncover and communicate that unique voice. A voice that feels 100% authentic to you and your values. We give your brand and web presence the clear brand language that puts an end to your constant trying to find words that describe what you actually do.

Why a 50$ logo won’t help you in the

long run

Branding doesn't stop at a logo

Your Vibe

Chances are, that your friends don’t just know you by the clothes you wear. They know how your voice sounds like, what kind of words you often use, how your hug feels like, what perfume you wear and your go-to food order.
It isn’t only your outward appearance that makes you you, just like your brand doesn’t consist of simply a logo either. It is the tone you write e-mails with, what captions you write, what images you choose, the colours you pick. It’s how you make your customers feel.

Your Guide

If done well, branding is the business foundation that makes everything else easier. It defines what you are about and what you are not about, helps you set boundaries, communicate in clear ways and book exactly those clients that you dream of. Nobody’s got time to ponder over what content to post or what copy to write next. Your brand is your filter to run everything else through: a guide to show you where to go.

It doesn't have to be hard. Let's make branding easy for you.

how can I help your business?













Hi, have we met?

I am Antonia (some call me by my middle name Leanne) – I’m so pleased to meet you!
I absolutely love those inspiring conversations where someone tells me about their passion with that sparkle in their eye – be it expressing emotion through dancing, bringing luxury into everyday life through beautifully designed garments or making others happy with gorgeous flower bouquets, I’m totally here for it!

As someone who grew up constantly scribbling and crafting I have dreamt of starting my own creative business from a very young age. However, starting is hard and it took me a few years of learning and gathering experience until I finally mustered up the courage to make the jump to go for it fulltime.
I have made it my mission to empower you to get your passion-lead business going by helping you find your unique brand voice and powerful ways to use that voice across all areas of your business.

Sounds exciting? Can’t wait to hear about your passion!

female creative entrepreneur in her office smiling while leaning on work table

